Wood, Water and Stones · Dominik Mayer · Products, Asia, Productivity

Wood, Water and Stones

Near Linan
Near Linan

Fake tree

Near Linan
Near Linan

Waiting for the worst food so far.

Near Linan

I’ve been gnawing on one of the wooden things in front without any effect before I finally gave up. The other dishes weren’t much better.

Near Linan
Near Linan

Funny thing to pump water. We thought we’d help them by using it but it actually cost one Yuan.

Near Linan
Near Linan
Near Linan
Near Linan
Near Linan
Near Linan
Near Linan
Near Linan
Near Linan
Near Linan
Near Linan
Near Linan
Near Linan
Near Linan