A Quora user asked for the best productivity apps for Mac OS. Here’s my answer:
There are of course the big productivity suites like OmniFocus and Things but I want to focus on the small helpers that save me several hours per week.
My number one pick is BetterTouchTool. It’s a small, free application that lets you map actions to various forms of input. Some of the trackpad shortcuts I use all the time:
You can also define application specific shortcuts:
You see the pattern. The tab switching is something I add to every app I’m using on a regular basis. Similar to going back and forth in history (Finder, Spotify, …).
You can also trigger actions from the keyboard, a normal and a magic mouse, an apple remote, Leap and from the BTT iOS app.
Hazel is another tool I’m using on a daily basis. Well, I’m not actively using it. It’s running in the background doing its fantastic job.
Hazel asks you for folders to monitor. You can then define rules to apply on the files in this folder.
Some examples of my Hazel rules:
(This is the folder in which my ScanSnap document scanner dumps all the PDFs it creates.)
Alfred is a launcher that you invoke with a keyboard shortcut. It can do many helpful things like find files, eject volumes, quit programs. It also lets you define search engines so you don’t have to open/navigate to your browser to start your search.
You can define complex actions, called workflows, or download shared ones. My favorite one searches LEO (one of the best German English/French/Spanish/Chinese/… dictionaries) and shows the results in Alfred.