The story of my life in China is here.
Webware’s Rafe Needleman shares my aversion to some facebook apps. Let’s hope they’ll vanish somehow.
In a famous test of human character, Reader’s Digest intentionally left 1,100 wallets around the world. Each wallet contained the equivalent of $50 in local currency, plus a name and phone number. In Britain 65% of the wallets were returned, in the USA the figure was nearly 70%, while Norway stole the “honesty prize” with 100% returns.
Since yesterday I can reach the German Wikipedia without VPN and now the English one is also “unprotected”.
The student ID in Munich has an RFID with which I can pay in the cafeterias. The Tongji one too. If I want to recharge my card in Munich I go to one of several machines, put the money in the slot, hold the card against the sensor and wait.
If I want to recharge the card in Shanghai I need to get a form, fill it in, wait and pay at the counter:
Spiegel Online helps the Germans to find out which one of the US presidential candidates they should vote for if only they were allowed. In my case it’s Barack Obama. Hm.
See also: smart?