Bavaria | Dominik Mayer – Products, Asia, Productivity

Two Animals, a City and No End in Sight

Markenblog and China-Guide pointed out this funny video about Chinese using English names:

It’s really like that. I had the pleasure to meet some interestingly named people as well. Eagle, Success and a friend’s facebook friend is called Ente, German for Duck. And do you know Bayreuth?


Or this waitress at a café:



When I saw the final of the Euro 2004 in the Bierzelt of a small town in Bavaria, I would have never thought where I’d end up four years later…


It’s fascinating again and again that there’s absolutely no smoke smell in clothes anymore. Not even after four hours in a bar. Wow.

Smoking Ban

Wow, it’s now possible to go to a pub without washing my clothes after only having been there for ten minutes. Why did that take so long?

Impressions Back Home

Freising Cathedral

I’ll post some of the over 1.400 pictures I took in Sweden soon.

Plants, Marriages and Survival Tips

  1. Flight Mechanics I is not Flight Mechanics II. The same applies for the exams.
  2. Mechanics exams were longer two years ago.
  3. On a late trip to the botanical garden it’s advisable to visit the greenhouses first.
  4. If you want someone reluctant to come along, you just need to find the right person for asking.
  5. Bavarian politician Gabriele Pauli wants marriage to automatically end after seven years unless it’s been renewed.
  6. Coming back from Sweden to Germany is like switching from a monthly to a strip ticket.
  7. Pizza in TribüHne is inexpensive and tasty.
  8. You better don’t eat anything in China and use tap water only for showering, bottled water for everything else.