Friends | Dominik Mayer – Products, Asia, Productivity

Ready to Go

TripIt found out that we’re going to fly aboard a Boeing 737-800, Google got the route and I made a reservation for a parking lot so everything’s prepared for our trip to Stockholm.

Freising - Frankfurt/Hahn

(Image: Google Maps, Map data ©2007 Tele Atlas)

John Deere

One or two years after a guy at a party said that everyone should have a John Deere, I had the chance to ride one. :)

Water Works

Unlike Nanx I was only two hours without water and it was because of renovation works two floors below. But I don’t think that in her case a worker appeared every thirty minutes to look whether the water is finally turned off or to tell that from now on the drain mustn’t be used as well. And I had planned not to stand up until they’re done.

Update: Arrg, there’s no hot water anymore. The best I get is lukewarm. :(

Jan in Germany

Jan made a detour back home and told me interesting stories about the life in China…. You can find some of them in his blog.

Temporary Coziness

Green hair in the bathroom, tobacco on the floor and she thinks it’s much cozier now…


A friend and I asked a women which one of us looks quirkier. Without thinking she pointed at my friend but added she liked her green hair and lime green boots.

In Love?

Nanx wants to know who’s in love. Are you?

Rice and Fries

A Chinese friend told me that she has been eating rice twice a day for twenty years. Halleluja. And I thought this is one of these prejudices. But I also thought it couldn’t take three hours to buy, cook and eat french fries…

Terrorizing Glasses

Ok, the title’s misleading. It’s not the glasses that terrorized the people, it’s me. But the glasses are the reason. I didn’t see that well with the old ones so I went to my optician. Because I couldn’t decide which ones to take he lend me two of them and I asked everyone I could find for their opinion.

Result: Most people favored the ones I didn’t like that much and the others wanted me to keep mine. I finally got the ones I prefered but I’m not sure it was the right decision. :-(

Back From Shanghai

A friend has been working in Wuxi for the last couple of weeks and spent several days in Shanghai. He returned today and brought along some great pictures. I’m really looking forward to going there.

And Tongji finally knows when I have to register: On February 20th or 21st, the semester will start on February 25th.

Swing Back

We’re three again and the flight is booked. Stockholm, we’re coming!

Mood Swings

Sylvester in Stockholm. We three had agreed on the flight and were about to book it when one decided she’d rather stay at home… and then there were two.

Simpsonize Me!

I’ve been trying to simpsonize myself for over a week now but the stupid site won’t let me:

Whoa! As the world is going Simpsons it is getting a little crowded in here. Come back a little later and try again.

Arg. It worked for a friend:
