You have to pay 10 Yuan (about 1 Euro) to get into Shanghai’s largest park and can’t walk around in the evening because it closes at 6 pm.
Again at the Uyghur restaurant next to the campus. A paper with the German translations of some dishes helped us to order but our Chinese was good enough to ask if the things contained meat or not. It was the first time that I’ve seen sweet-and-sour sauce in China. On the left, with the green eggplants.
The student ID in Munich has an RFID with which I can pay in the cafeterias. The Tongji one too. If I want to recharge my card in Munich I go to one of several machines, put the money in the slot, hold the card against the sensor and wait.
If I want to recharge the card in Shanghai I need to get a form, fill it in, wait and pay at the counter: